Tag: Home Assistant
Creating a Serial to WiFi bridge
I’m getting more and more requests to implement network control for my Home Assistant BenQ Projector integration. The network control of the BenQ projectors seems to be just a telnet connection running on TCP/IP port 8000 and the same commands as used over the serial connection should work over the network connection. This shouldn’t be…
Homeduino integration for Home Assistant
I started my home automation hobby about 6 years ago with Pimatic. Since a year I’ve been working with Home Assistant and have now converted all the plugins that I had written for Pimatic to Home Assistant integrations.
P1 cable fails on new smart meter
Today a new smart meter is installed and unfortunately my homemade P1 cable, needed to communicate with the device does not work on this new meter. I switched from an ISKRA ME382 to an ISKRA AM550.