For my hot water supply I decided to give the 15 liter boiler solution a try. I found the arguments of the video from the day before yesterday convincing, together with data about average shower duration and using the stopwatch a few times while showering, it seems like a done deal to me, an good solution for my one-person household.
My central heating furnace is currently located about 4 meters from my shower, in a cupboard on the balcony. The water passes through approximately 6 meters of copper water pipe with a diameter of 15 mm (inside diameter 13 mm). A quick calculation shows that almost 1 liters of water must pass through the pipe before the hot water comes out of my shower, which is about 5% the volume of the boiler.
Add to this the fact that copper is an extremely good conductor, so that the supply temperature also drops considerably during these 6 meters. Moreover, I currently have to wait at least a minute before I get hot water coming out of my shower, which could also be improved. In conclusion the current location of the central heating furnace is not very optimal.
The boiler will therefore be placed closer to the shower. A cupboard wall in my kitchen is right behind my shower, and by placing the boiler there I should be able to shorten the distance of the water pipe between the boiler and the shower to less than 2 meters. With this I will recover some of the lost hot water and lost heat.
I immediately started removing the cupboard wall to see how easily I can access the various water pipes and drains.
This content has been previously posted by me on other platforms and adapted and backdated to fill this blog.
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